About Chelsea Rotunno

Hello and welcome!

I’m Chelsea, and my favorite color is purple. I’m an Enneagram Type 4: passionate and melancholy. And you?

I love taking ballet classes, visiting the beach, hiking, writing, teaching . . . and I love my family . . . and I love Jesus, who saved me from death more than once.

My debut novel, Goodnight to My Thoughts of You, is a story for teen girls about life, love, heartbreak, and Christian faith. It has been read by thousands of women around the world. Most readers tell me they could not put it down, which is a huge compliment to any author! (xo!)


You may be here looking for my next novel, Heavenly Here With You. I receive emails every so often from my readers, and most ask this question: “Where can I find the second book?”

I’m working on it, I promise! When you read my next book, you will know why it wasn’t out when I thought it would be. Life has some twists and turns, and you won’t want to miss how the story ends. Thank you for your patience–and your prayers!

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My blog started as a place to share excerpts from Goodnight to My Thoughts of You. I wanted to have a place to connect with my readers.

From there, I began sharing some other parts of my life on my blog, like my kids’ birthday parties, recipes that I loved, craft ideas, and family updates.

Most recently, I have shared more personal things on my blog, because I have been going through a lot of personal and spiritual growth.

You know how people who survived traumatic experiences as a child may still have triggers and need reminders of God’s love and faithfulness? I want to help people who have been through childhood trauma find peace and hope as adults by sharing positive stories of God’s redeeming love. 

This is the focus of my third book, which is a work in progress.

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A little more about me:  I grew up with very little structure in my life, which was very cool at the time but more difficult as I tried to make sense of the real world.

When I was a little kid, I would spend hours reading through my stack of books on lazy summer days. Mom made us go to the library and do the reading club every summer, and my older sister was a genius reader so I would read all of her books after she was done with them because I wanted to be just like her. Basically, we would read and swim all summer and go to church on Sundays.

When I was in sixth grade, I started taking ballet and tap classes. Dancing became my new favorite thing to do besides reading and sleeping. That was also the year that I won a D.A.R.E. essay contest at school. Two years later, in 8th grade, I got my first pair of pointe shoes, and then I entered the pre-professional ballet program at my dance studio in grade nine. I danced every day after school and Saturdays.

Around that time my English teachers told me I was a good writer. Their compliments made me work harder in my English classes, and I decided to study English and education at Azusa Pacific University, where I earned my B.A.

My husband Andy and I married in 2003, and we will celebrate our 21-year wedding anniversary on July 12! Andy is one of those amazing people who is good at everything. We are best friends who love to snuggle up on the couch with a cup of tea. We live in central California with our five children.

Today we enjoy serving the Lord together as full-time missionaries at an organization that sends dried soup mix and dried peaches to hungry people around the world.

Find out more about our love story in Goodnight To My Thoughts of You! 

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Love and Hugs,


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